The Workshop

Quakertown Friends Meeting

For one hour a month on first day members, attendees and seekers participate in community discussions about Quaker Faith and Practice.

“Without a creed, Friends are helped to learn how to be better Quakers by sharing our stories and learning from those who are further along on the way.” That’s a quote by Quaker, Marty Grundy of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends.

The Workshop is designed so those in attendance can express their views, if they want, about the topic of conversation. This is not an instructional gathering, more of a sharing of experiences.

We share our experiences without converting others or proclaiming truth.

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Discussing Quakerism

Want to know more about the Quaker faith and practice or you need to brush up on your Quaker history.

Maybe you have personal questions about deconstruction or re-thinking your tenets of faith.

Do you relate to the term ‘Church Alumni’?

This series of workshops, hosted by Karen Tibbals, discusses worship, meditation, God and other things. It is designed to educate the quaker and non-quaker.

Each Workshop here is posted after the session took place.