The Meetinghouse 

History Highlights.

  • Quakers, also known as Friends, settled in an area known today as Quakertown in 1712 and began an organized meeting in 1729.

  • First structure on site as early as 1744.

  • The meeting got its name Quakertown Monthly Meeting in 1859.

  • The building standing today was built in 1862.

  • Quaker architecture is characterized by plain lines and solid, unobtrusive craftsmanship.

  • In 1905 the meeting was laid down and it was re-established in 1958.

  • The carriage house was converted to a First Day School in 1962.

  • the kitchen and bathrooms were added in 1970.

  • in 2002 the ADA accessible ramp and porch was built.

Today Highlights.

  • Quakers dress today in a modern casual fashion. the bonnets and large rim hats are remnants of a different time and culture.

  • Quakers conduct themselves in a modest and humble manner.

  • we have no paid staff, minister or Administrator and is a layperson operation.

  • Anyone can join us during our Sunday worship time.
    You can view our
    “Meeting for Worship” event on our homepage for more information about our Sunday morning if you want to join us. You can even contact us by email using our contact link.

  • if you cannot sit in silence for an hour people do arrive mid service or later.

  • if you arrive to meeting mid service you will not be greeted and possibly perceive a cold Reception, do not let that dismay you. after the silent worship pleasantries will be exchanged.

  • we do not pass the collection plate around.

  • we do not do holy communion.

  • we will ask you to sign our Visitor registrar. we do not share that information with outside vendors.


  • Quakertown Friends Meeting is also known as QMM or Quakertown Monthly Meeting.

  • We meet weekly, like most other church organizations, on Sunday morning for worship.

  • we also meet once a month, every 2nd sunday of the month, for business at 9:00 am, an hour and half before our normal Sunday worship.

  • We meet on other occasions as needed for different committee projects.

  • we are affiliated with other Quaker meetings in Pennsylvania. collectively we call that our quarterly meeting. we meet at different locations four times a year to discuss shared events and common concerns.

  • Our Bucks Quarter website has a list of the other Meetings, and has other answers to questions you might have..

  • our quarterly quaker family then is affiliated with more meeting houses to form the Yearly Meeting which is in Philidelphia, PA.

  • that yearly meeting is responsible for publishing our ‘Faith and Practice’ book that we use as a governing tool to conduct our business.

  • interested in viewing the ‘Faith & Practice’ book our Philadelphia Yearly website has it online.