A Quaker Practice


We gather to worship in stillness, waiting upon the divine presence.

It is the practice of unprogrammed worship.

The silence enables us to shed strains, stresses, and distractions of the secular world and open ourselves to direct communication with the divine and each other.

It is a quiet waiting upon God.

We gather every Sunday morning at the meeting house for our First Day Meeting of Worship and anyone can join us.

The meeting house is not a consecrated edifice, if there is anything holy about it, it is in the lives of the people who meet there.

Upon entering the building Sunday morning join in quietly and settle into silence.

The worship experience is enriched when individuals come to meeting with hearts and minds prepared for worship.


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Quakertown Friends Meeting
290 White Bridge Road
Pittstown, NJ 08867

Enter from Whitebridge Road

Handicap parking is available on side of building.

Parking is along the right side of driveway pass the Handicap parking and is limited to a few cars.

More parking is on the lawn in back of meeting house at the graveyard entrance from Whitebridge Road, and in the post office parking lot across White Bridge Road.

quakertown meetinghouse
quakertown meetinghouse
quakertown meetinghouse

Benches are old

The floors squeak.
The temperature in room is not so warm when it’s really cold outside.

Cushion softness varies.
you can bring your own.

Back support is basic.
newer benches are better.

quakertown meetinghouse
quakertown meetinghouse
quakertown meetinghouse