The Religious Society of Friends is a religion with its origins from england during a time when kings and popes, biships, cardinals and Landlords ruled society. this religion has no creed, rituals or liturgy but is held together with, what can be called, principles or Precepts and testimonies.

Each meeting house joins with other meetings in the same area to form a Yearly Meeting and they publish a book called “Faith and Practice”. In there are advices and governing rules the meetinghouse’s follow.

we only mentioned a few.

to learn more go to the Philidelphia Yearly Meeting website

The Inward Light.

As our worship consisted not in words so neither in silence as silence, but in a holy dependence silence necessarily follows in the first place until words can be brought forth which are from God’s spirit.

Robert Barclay, 1678

Universality of Grace

Now, Friends, deal plainly with yourselves, and let the eternal light search you… for this will deal plainly with you; it will rip you up, and lay you open… naked and bare before the lord god from whom you can not hide yourselves… therefore give over the deceiving of your souls.

Margret Fell, 1656

Personal Transformation

Our life is love, and peace, and tenderness and bearing one with another, and forgiving one another, and not laying accusations one against another but praying one for another, and helping one another up with a tender hand.

Isaac Penington, 1667

Continuing Revelation

If God ever spoke, He is still speaking. If He has ever been in mutual and reciprocal communication with the persons He has made, He is still a communicating God as eager as ever to have listening and receptive souls. If there is something of His image and superscription in our inmost structure and being, we ought to expect a continuous revelation of His will and purpose through the ages……He is the Great I Am, not a Great He Was.

Rufus M. Jones, 1948